
New in Fabman: Self-service payments, big billing overhaul & SCA support

Over the past weeks we invested a lot of time into improving billing and payments in Fabman. Here’s a quick look at some of the features we’ve just launched.

Members: pay invoices & update payment method

From now on, members can pay their invoices directly from the member portal:

Member billing page

They can also update their saved payment method – so they don’t have to bother you every time their credit card expires.

All you need to do is connect your space to a Stripe account and invite your members to your member portal.

Retrying failed payments and Strong Customer Authentication

If a payment cannot be completed for any reason, you can now send the member a link to a payment page where they can retry the payment with their current payment method (or enter a different one):

A pending payment Payment page for members

Why all this effort? Starting September 14, there’s a new set of reasons for payments to require your members’ attention: Due to the EU’s new Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements, banks may reject even authenticated, recurring payments from time to time. If that happens, users need to explicitly confirm the transaction using techniques like 3D Secure (also known by brand names like Visa Secure, Mastercard Secure Code, or Identity Check). These SCA requirements are also the reason why many European banks have forced users to switch from SMS TAN to other authentication schemes in recent months.

But we’ve got you covered! If a transaction is rejected, simply click the “Send email” button or copy & paste the payment link and they can confirm the transaction within a few seconds. This works regardless of whether you’ve set up your member portal or not. You don’t need to invite your members to the member portal. They simply have to click the link to confirm the payment.

This process is also useful if their credit card expired or has insufficient funds. Just send them a link so they can update their payment method and retry the payment.

Improved invoice list and a new payment list

In order for you to have a better overview over your invoices and payments, we’ve updated the invoice list, making it easier to see unpaid, overdue and dunned invoices:

Improved invoice list

We’ve also added a list of all payments with various filters, to help you keep track of your payments:

New payment list

UI improvements

We’ve taken this opportunity to re-think some of our UI design decisions. We’ve cleaned up all our list views and tables and improved several detail views. No big redesign, but little improvements here and there.

Some examples:

Other changes

As always, we’ve released several other improvements and fixes. Here are the most important ones, if you’re curious:

Give these improvements a try and let us know what you think! What do you like? What’s missing?